Aleksandr Gruzdev

Technical Artist


This is the main shader for the mobile game Protectors. I decided to not use Unity's surface shader template, and made it from scratch using "Unlit" shader template, so I have full control of vertex shader and shading algorithms. And also it's not tightly bound to any Unity's render pipeline.

Shader uses 3 main textures:

ao & emissive packed into single channel by the following logic:

and shader unpacks it with this simple function:

void unpackLight(in fixed packed, out fixed ao, out fixed emission)
    fixed tmp = packed * 2;
    ao = min(1, tmp);
    emission = max(0, tmp - 1.05);

The goal of the first iteration was to replicate Unity's surface shader, but then I was able to improve shading of metals and glossy materials:


Since we're using baked lightmaps for the levels, I've noticed that most objects looked flat even when they use normal maps. And I decided to apply fake top light to the diffuse light layer using world space normals with this code:

light *= saturate(1 - abs(i.normalWS.y)) * normal.y + 1;

and here's the result:


Shader has several debug modes (Editor only), including texel debug for each texture

Shader also uses custom gradient fog and have extended version for characters